Skip hire in Warminster

A variety of skips to hire here in Warminster

E.J. Shanley & Son Ltd is an established waste reclamation company based in Trowbridge and Warminster that has been trading since 1964.

Our wealth of knowledge and 50+ years of experience within the industry means that we are confident that we will provide you with a reliable and professional service.

From our Warminster office, our friendly team of customer service experts are available to talk you through our different skip options:


    43 Copheap Lane
    BA12 0BQ

    01985 213348


    A skip licence will be needed if the skip is to be placed on council property, i.e. the road. Where necessary, we will deal with all the paperwork. Skip licences can be obtained from the local council and can take up to 7 days to be approved.